- “Sweetheart, you don't have to explain yourself to me. But you'd better get your story straight when you come face-to-face with Jesus.”— Laverne Roberts
Laverne Roberts, RN was a nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital. During their years together as nurses, she and Carla developed a rapport, but Laverne's first loyalty was always to Jesus and her faith. She often tried to persuade Dr. Cox, Dr. Kelso, and others to hold themselves to higher standards. Despite being very religious, Laverne had her own personality tics. She was an avid fan of soap operas and loved to gossip. She never took anybody's sass.
Laverne had been a nurse for many years when J.D., Turk, and Elliot started as interns. During their sixth year at the hospital, Laverne was in a car accident and passed away.
Laverne was portrayed by Aloma Wright and appeared in seven of the first eight seasons, only skipping Season Seven. She first appeared in the pilot episode, "My First Day," and last appeared in J.D.'s final fantasy in "My Finale."
Laverne Roberts was a nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital who spent her days watching soap operas, gossiping, and talking straight to the other employees. She worked at Sacred Heart for 24 years. Laverne was extremely religious and made many comments about others having to "answer to Jesus." Her religious devotion helped her to cope with the horrors of watching people die around the hospital every day. ("My No Good Reason") She was also a member of her church choir, who came and performed at the hospital on behalf of Dr. Cox. She was seen stealing scrubs for the choir to wear. ("My Scrubs")
Laverne strongly believed that everything happened for a reason, even terrible things. Shortly after she debated with Dr. Cox about her religion and this mantra, she was in a car accident. ("My No Good Reason") She passed away due to complications after the accident. ("My Long Goodbye")
Laverne was a strong-willed woman who could intimidate all of the men and women in the hospital. She could make The Janitor fess up about his shenanigans, force Dr. Kelso to see how his actions affected other people, give Dr. Cox a reality check, calm Carla's and Elliot's crazy-spells, and bring J.D. and Turk down to size when they tried to give her or someone else sass. She was a highly skilled worker who dealt with many interns, nurses, and doctors. ("My First Day") She, like Carla, never complained about not getting the glory doctors received.
Laverne was married to Lester Roberts for nearly twenty years, but she shacked up with a man before she was married. His name was Jesus (referring to Jesus Christ). It is said that Laverne has a brother who can make "face cake." ("My Quarantine")
It is suggested that many years ago, Laverne had a one-night stand with Dr. Kelso before she married Lester Roberts. However, since this was said by an image of Laverne that was a figment of Carla's imagination, it's impossible to know whether it is true. It may be true, since Carla and the hallucination were reacting to Kelso kissing Laverne while she was unconscious. ("My Long Goodbye")
It has also been revealed that Laverne had a three-way with Snoop Dogg Attending and Dr. Beardfacé ("My Cuz"), and that the two men are "wiener cousins."
Personality Profile[]
- Jesus
- Soap operas
- Face cake
- Gossiping
- Talking on her phone
- God
- Good reasons
- Her family
- Coconut (even though she's allergic)
- People talking back to her
- People who disrespect her religion
- People who toss jelly beans into her cleavage
- People saying she is older than she really is
- People having sex before marriage
- Abortion
- Aloma Wright comes back as Nurse Shirley in Season Seven. She looks exactly like Laverne, although no one notices but J.D. She appears in the first episode of the season with a mask covering enough of her face to make her less recognizable. Her characters' names are a reference to the sitcom Laverne and Shirley, which is mentioned by Kylie in the episode "My Life in Four Cameras."
- Laverne seemingly has a personality change in Season Six, becoming more toned down and less sassy and belligerent.
- The Todd changes Laverne to a "yes" because she's feisty.
- She once held an above-ground pool party at which various events took place, often referenced by the other characters.
- Laverne named her breasts Paris and Nikki. When Carla asks if Laverne named her breasts after the Hilton sisters, Laverne responds that the Hilton sisters were, in fact, named after her breasts.
- Laverne is on Dr. Cox's "Sometimes Allowed List" even though she was dead by the time the list was made.
- Laverne can punch out a car window with seemingly little effort or pain; she precedes this by using her own name as her catchphrase. ("My Scrubs")
- Laverne has a nephew who is a corporal in the Army, and she supports the Iraq War. ("His Story IV")
- Laverne is the second character to return as a "ghost." The first is Ben Sullivan.
- → See and enjoy 36 pictures of Laverne Roberts at Images of Laverne Roberts.
J.D. • Turk • Elliot • Carla • Dr. Kelso • Dr. Cox • Janitor • Denise • Lucy • Drew • Cole |
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