Scrubs Wiki

Dr. Amato was an attending surgeon at Sacred Heart Hospital.


Dr. Amato's defining characteristic is his short stature. Being assigned to work with him was considered the surgical assignment booby prize among the surgical staff. He believed that it was possible to be a good surgeon without playing into the stereotypical boys club mentality. ("My New Coat")


  • Rumplesurgeon


  • Dr. Turk was repeatedly assigned to work with Dr. Amato as punishment for skipping guys night out. This caused him severe back pain from hunching over for long periods of time during surgeries.
  • J.D. once compared Dr. Amato and Turk to Starsky and Hutch
  • Dr. Amato only appeared in the episode "My New Coat" and was not mentioned again. It is unknown if he is still employed at Sacred Heart.
