David Morrison was a patient at Sacred Heart.
David was in the hospital requiring a laparoscopic hernia repair, a simple procedure. He attempted to befriend his surgeons, but Chris Turk was the only one who made his visit any fun; for example, he bowled David down the hallway in a wheelchair. Unfortunately, while Turk, Bonnie Chang and Dr. Wen were operating to remove his hernias, they discovered a lymphoma, which requires urgent surgery. David's father, Jim is out of town, and over the phone asks to delay the surgery until he gets there, so he can be there for his son. However, David falls unconscious, and is rushed to surgery, and despite Turk's best efforts in surgery, he dies. Jim, while distraught, is glad that his son had Turk there for him as a friend.
David supposedly had a fair relationship with his father Jim Morrison. Turk befriends David after they relate over "The Catch" a defining play from a San Francisco 49's game. Later in the season, David's signature 49's hat can be seen in hanging in the doctors lounge. Clearly, Turk kept David in his heart after he died in surgery.
Personality Profile[]
- San Fransisco 49ers
- "The Catch"
- Hernia
- Kid
Dr. Bailey • Dave Benson • Mr. Bidwell • Mrs. Blitt • Frank Bober • Mr. Burski • Carla's mother • Darryl • Mike Davis • Jerry Donovan • J.D. • Dr. Douglas • Will Forte • Dr. Franklyn • Dr. Greenberg • Mrs. Guerrero • Mr. Hoffner • Jared • Mr. Kavanaugh • Sean Kelly • Dr. Lamar • Meredith • David Morrison • Patient (My Bad) • Patient (My Old Man) • Patient (My Own Personal Jesus) • Patient (My Way or the Highway) • Mrs. Pratt • Mrs. Tanner • Jill Tracy • Aaron Simon • Mr. Sloane • Ben Sullivan • Jackie Wheeler • Mr. Winston • Mr. Yeager |
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