Cougar Town is an American sitcom that premiered on September 23, 2009 on ABC. It moved to TBS for its fourth season and concluded at the end of its sixth season on March 31, 2015. It was co-created by Bill Lawrence, the creator of Scrubs and Kevin Biegel and was produced by Doozer and ABC Studios. The series and Scrubs had many cast and crew crossovers, including some characters making reappearances.
Character crossovers[]
- Sam Lloyd appeared in the Season Two finale "Something Good Coming" reprising his role of Ted Buckland. In the episode Ted explains how he was dumped by Gooch, who took crazy Hooch in exchange. He also appeared in "A One Story Town" with the rest of The Blanks.
- The Worthless Peons reunite! Paul Perry, George Miserlis, and Philip McNiven reprised their roles as Randall, Crispin, and Roy from Scrubs in the Season Three episode "A One Story Town".
Cast crossovers[]
- Christa Miller (Jordan Sullivan on Scrubs) plays the main character Ellie.
- Courteney Cox (Dr. Maddox on Scrubs) is the lead character Jules.
- Robert Clendenin (Dr. Zeltzer on Scrubs) is the recurring character as a neighbor named Tom Gazelian.
- Ken Jenkins (Dr. Kelso on Scrubs) has appeared in ten episodes as Chick, Jules' father.
- Windell Middlebrooks (Melvis Duncook on Scrubs) appeared in a Season One episode as Gerald.
- Scott Foley (Sean Kelly on Scrubs) appeared in four episodes of Season One as Jeff.
- Shaughn Buchholz ("Cabbage" from Scrubs) appeared in two episodes of Season Two.
- Sarah Chalke (Elliot on Scrubs) appeared in four episodes as Angie.
- Zach Braff (J.D. on Scrubs) appeared in Season Three as a Pizza Delivery Guy and as a neighbor who designs a smartphone application about appetizers, named App App.
- Nicole Sullivan (Jill Tracy in Scrubs) appeared in seven episodes as Lynn the therapist.
- Robert Maschio (Todd Quinlan in Scrubs) appeared in "A One Story Town" as a pool man.
- Brian Bradley, Michael McDonald, Ryan Biegel, and Matthew Perry have also appeared in single episode.
Crew crossovers[]
- Bill Lawrence
- Randall Keenan Winston
- Kevin Biegel
- Jesse Schiller
- Danny Rose
- Abraham Park
- Melody Derloshon
- Michael McDonald
- John Putch
- Brian Bradley
Series crossovers[]
- Cups from Coffee Bucks have appeared in various episodes of Cougar Town, including "The Damage You've Done."
- An acceptance letter from Winston University appeared in the Cougar Town episode "Letting You Go."
- Dr Dorian, Dr Reid and Dr Turk's names appear on the Gulfhaven Plaza Medical Professional Offices board in the Cougar Town episode "Don't Fade On Me"